Describing Feelings - English at Work

Describing Feelings - English at Work

Seven Dimensions
Updated Mar 01, 2019

Learn to express positive and negative feelings, and talk about habitual actions and events using the simple present tense.

Key Learning points

    Positive and negative feelings.
    Present Tense for Habitual Actions and Events - every morning; every day; often; always; regularly.
    A good hair day; crocodile tears; Feel like a million dollars; Get on someone's nerves; Down in the dumps; Work out; 'To-do' list.
    bully; thick-skinned; on purpose; sensitive; overwhelming; overloaded; social media; stressful.
    The Sound of W

This video is part of the English at Work Series, created by Psychologist Eve Ash, linguistics expert Dr Fran Byrnes, features comedienne Erin Brown and Emmy-award winning Kim Estes.

The Cutting Edge English at Work Series promotes communication and language competence by building the desire and motivation to learn and the confidence to try. Confidence in learning and using English leads to successful communication.

There are now 60 graded English Language learning programs. All English programs are built on established language learning principles and methodology. At the same time, great characters in comic situations help students (and teachers) have fun as they learn. They engage learners through amusing situations, entertaining characters, interesting conversations with real language, fun storylines and high quality production with practical activities.