Cutting Edge Communication: Giving Hygiene Feedback

Cutting Edge Communication: Giving Hygiene Feedback

Biz Library
Updated Sep 04, 2018
During a meeting the members of the group are becoming aware of Sanjay's body odor. Some subtle jokes are made but Sanjay doesn't notice. Marcus tells Carol about an interesting idea for boosting team morale when Alex walks in with a bag of personal hygiene products she intends to leave on Sanjay's desk. Carol offers a suggestion for a more direct approach, and Marcus also offers something in a more sensitive, team-building vein. Alex proceeds with her original plan of leaving the hygiene products on Sanjay's desk – but it backfires. Carol confronts Sanjay with the issue in her preferred, direct yet inappropriate style. Sanjay is offended and becomes defensive. Carol escalates the argument to include Marcus, who finds a solution that suits everyone. This program does not include a quiz. To achieve a completed status in the Learning Management System, you must view the video in its entirety.