Customer Service - The VIP

Customer Service - The VIP

Channel 1 Creative Media
Updated Feb 28, 2019

Course Overview 

This video is all about giving exceptional customer service to each and every customer.  After all, they are the one person in your organisation that everyone should aim to please. They are in fact the reason your company exists.

Learning Objectives 

In this training module of our exceptional customer service training series, you will learn about:

  • The concept of customer loyalty
  • Where you rate your level of service now
  • How you can improve
  • Why you should improve

Target Audience 

This training video is a “must see” for anyone involved or aspiring to be involved with your organisation’s customers!

Business Outcomes  

Just imagine the level of business your organisation could undertake if every customer was treated as a VIP, as the most important person in the world. Imagine the levels of loyalty, the repeat business, the amount of referrals you could enjoy.


 3 Minutes