新しい役割のためのマインドセットを生み出す - Creating the Mindset for Your New Role

新しい役割のためのマインドセットを生み出す - Creating the Mindset for Your New Role

Learn how to successfully change your internal mindset when moving into a new role at work

Vado Inc.
Updated Jan 29, 2021
真の改善をもたらす方法をご説明します。何を直接管理でき、何に影響を与えることができるかを理解していれば、職場でより良い決定を下し、より効果的な指導者となることができます。本コースを受講することで、自分自身が何を管理でき、何に影響を与えることができるかを判断し、自分自身の個人的・職業的な有効性を高めることができるようになります。本コースはPMI(プロジェクトマネジメント協会)の1時間のPDU単位として認められています。Elearning! Magazine誌のエクセレンス・アワード受賞者:Management Development Learning Track。

Perhaps one of the greatest challenges in taking on a new leadership role is the transition you have to make internally. You need to be mentally prepared for the new challenges ahead. Getting clear on the new role and responsibilities, understanding the changes you’ll have to make, and believing in your capabilities all set the stage for success. This course will help you create the right personal mindset to successfully transition from Bud to Boss.

Course Accreditation

This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute). An Elearning! Magazine Excellence Award Winner: Management Development Learning Track.

Perhaps one of the greatest challenges in taking on a new leadership role is the transition you have to make internally. You need to be mentally prepared for the new challenges ahead. Getting clear on the new role and responsibilities, understanding the changes you’ll have to make, and believing in your capabilities all set the stage for success. This course will help you create the right personal mindset to successfully transition from Bud to Boss.

Course Accreditation

This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute). An Elearning! Magazine Excellence Award Winner: Management Development Learning Track.