Creating an inclusive healthcare environment for LGBTIQA+ people

Creating an inclusive healthcare environment for LGBTIQA+ people

Health Staff Ed
Updated Apr 06, 2021

When people have bad experiences with health care staff simply because they are (or seem) different, they may hide important information about themselves – or worse, they may not return for needed health care. It is the job of all healthcare workers to make people feel welcome and comfortable.

This interactive course is designed to help healthcare workers to provide an affirmative, inclusive, and respectful environment for all clients. It specifically focusses on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, asexual people and other sexual and gender (LGBTIQA+) minorities.

Target Audience

All healthcare workers

Business Outcomes

This course brings together essential learning for all healthcare workers and organisations seeking to provide an inclusive and accessible service for a diverse range of people.

This course is related to the Australian National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards as part of Standard Five: Comprehensive Care.