Considering a Training Solution

Considering a Training Solution

Seven Dimensions
Updated Apr 16, 2020

Training doesn’t fix everything, says Kylie Bell, it is only part of the solution. Determining what needs fixing shapes the training approach. Kylie Bell tells Eve Ash that the first question which should be asked is: what do you want people to know or do after the training program? Organizations have many needs: depending on the wider organization context, it needs to be established whether it’s a training need or a leadership issue. Leaders need to reinforce and support new learning.

This program is one of the Insights and Strategies Series, featuring psychologist Eve Ash interviewing a range of experts and business leaders who share their experiences and practical strategies for achieving best practice.

Click here to get the Transcript. 

Business Outcomes

This program is designed to help people develop their skills as a trainer and facilitator. Find out how to design powerful training programs, and explain and train so learners are engaged and your training is successful.