Cloud Computing & Business

Cloud Computing & Business

Cutting Edge eLearning Solutions
Updated Jun 08, 2020

The cloud. It’s the much-talked-about, often misunderstood darling of the tech world. But, despite how much the cloud is talked about, it still remains a bit of a mystery to many. It’s often not clear just what “the cloud” actually is, how it helps existing businesses or how entrepreneurs can use it to start or augment a business.

Cloud computing provides access to business data and applications from anywhere, at any time, on any mobile device—all at a reasonable price when compared with the cost of hosting servers in-house.

The cloud provides businesses with mobile access to data and helps them be more competitive within their market. According to research by Gartner, up to 60% of business owners will be relying on the cloud for hosting data by 2022, roughly doubling the numbers from 2018