Azure Fundamentals: Cloud Computing

Azure Fundamentals: Cloud Computing

Updated Oct 14, 2019

Course Overview

Discover how cloud computing differs from traditional on-premises computing and explore cloud models.

Learning Objectives

  • list cloud computing characteristics
  • identify how cloud computing relies on virtualization
  • describe how cloud providers enable customer access at low costs through Opex
  • identify how public clouds differ from other cloud types
  • identify how private clouds differ from other cloud types
  • identify how hybrid clouds differ from other cloud types
  • identify how community clouds differ from other cloud types
  • describe the Infrastructure as a Service cloud computing consumption model
  • describe the Platform as a Service cloud computing consumption model
  • describe the Software as a Service cloud computing consumption model
  • compare traditional on-premises IT solutions to their cloud equivalents
  • list various on-premises to cloud migration strategies
  • map cloud solutions to business needs