Can I Help You? – Interactive

Can I Help You? – Interactive

Seven Dimensions,Chef Siu
Updated Jul 10, 2020

Can I Help You? is a course showing how to engage customers from the first moment rather than being robotic. Entrepreneur Pete Williams explains to Eve Ash how to engage customers and avoid service turnoffs with new approaches and positive body language and tone to ensure a positive guest experience.

Once this course is completed, you will have learned how to use positive body language and tone, and pattern interruption to avoid a service turnoff. You will know how to engage customers with open questions and practical information, enjoying customer conversations and fun new approaches.

Learning Objectives

  • Engage customers from the first moment
  • Use pattern interrupt and avoid service turn off
  • Engage from the start, with positive body language and tone
  • Offer practical assistance and provide useful information
  • Ask an open question to begin a conversation
  • Create new approaches and make it fun