Bullying Even at the Top – Interactive

Bullying Even at the Top – Interactive

Seven Dimensions,Chef Siu
Updated Jul 10, 2020

Bullying Even at the Top is a course covering practical lessons about bullying at all levels. Sadhana Smiles explains to Eve Ash various forms bullying that exist at the top, including undermining, texts, emails and phone calls, and how to foster a "Zero Tolerance" approach to bullying. This course covers how to discuss and respond to bullying, training and documentation, and how facts help inform the need to take action.

Once this course is completed, you will have learned strategies for recognizing and handling bullying in your workplace, whether you are managing a bullying incident, you have been bullied yourself or you want to prevent bullying. You will learn to implement a ‘Zero Tolerance Policy’ in your workplace.

Learning Objectives

  • Implement strategies for tackling bullying at the senior levels
  • Examine the types of bullying, even at the top, including undermining, texts, emails and phone calls
  • Review responses to bullying and documenting
  • Establish a zero tolerance policy and training
  • Use a professional approach to responding to a bully and report incidents to management