Bringing Epilepsy Out Of The Shadows

Bringing Epilepsy Out Of The Shadows

Via Up
Updated Apr 12, 2019

Course Overview

Epilepsy is a neurological condition that causes people to have recurring seizures. Around 2 per cent of people will develop epilepse at some stage in their life; that's roughly 100,00 children and adults in Queensland.

Learning Objectives

The ViaUp Bringing Epilepsy Out of the Shadows course will teach you:

  • What the different categories of epilepsy are
  • What to change in their school or workplace to prevent triggers
  • The knowledge to talk to someone to about their epilepsy
  • What you should and shouldn't do to help if someone experiencing epileptic symptoms.

Business Objectives

This course teaches your organisaiton about epilepsy, its triggers, and how to help somebody experiencing its symptoms. By learning about the condition, we all help to bring it out of the shadows.


The ViaUp Bringing Epilepsy out of the shadows course is designed to benefit businesses and organisations of any size.

Course Outline

  • Seizure Types
  • Medication
  • Management Plan
  • When to Call for Help
  • Trigger Types
  • Navigating Life with Epilepsy

Difficulty: Easy

Subject Matter Expert

Epilepsy QLD


  • Engaging 3D animated video content
  • Immersive storytelling
  • A unique, intuitive course navigation and menu structure.

Course Duration

Approximately 30 minutes