Best Practices for Mindfulness & Stress Reduction at Work

Best Practices for Mindfulness & Stress Reduction at Work

Workright Investigations
Updated Nov 12, 2019

Course Overview

While we may not be able to change many of the situations in our lives, we can control how we perceive, experience and manage them.  In this informative, practical and at times funny course Dr. Chayim Newman will help you understand yourself better, the stressors that impact your life and how to use mindfulness best practices to lead a more balanced and contented life.  Dr. Newman will also talk you through an actual Mindfulness exercise in Part 3, to which you can return whenever you feel the need to relax and refocus.

  • Part 1: Understand Stress in the Workplace and Its Impact
  • Part 2: Learn How Mindfulness Can Noticeably Reduce Stress
  • Part 3: Experience a Mindfulness Meditation 

Presenter: Dr. Chayim Newman, PhD, C. Psych.