Be a HERO in the COVID era

Be a HERO in the COVID era

Seven Dimensions,Chef Siu
Updated Aug 06, 2020

Be a Hero in the COVID era is a universal course covering the four ingredients that add up to becoming a HERO in the workplace, especially needed in crisis times like a pandemic. Psychologist Eve Ash explains the necessary qualities of being Honest, Ethical, Respectful and Optimistic.

Once this course is completed, you will have learned that anyone can learn to be a HERO and demonstrate being honest, ethical, respectful, optimistic, raising the personal bar for themselves and others.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify and apply the four characteristics that describe a true HERO at work in the COVID era
  • Demonstrate being Honest – someone who is truthful, gives faccurate eedback and honest criticism
  • Demonstrate being Ethical – someone who does the right thing for themselves, the team, the organization and the community
  • Demonstrate being Respectful – treating all people with civility, no matter what experience, culture or nationality they encounter
  • Demonstrate being Optimistic – looking for the upside in all situations and looking for opportunity