Anti-Harassment Training: How to Avoid Being an Offender

Anti-Harassment Training: How to Avoid Being an Offender

Biz Library
Updated Feb 18, 2019
Welcome to Steps to Success, brought to you by BizLibrary TV! In this video lesson, ‘How to Avoid Being an Offender,’ viewers will learn critical tips for complaint-proofing themselves. Recommendations include avoiding victim humor, controlling alcohol consumption, and simply being nice, among others.  When it comes down to it, it’s easy to stay away from the line. It’s all a matter of common sense. As long as viewers follow the suggestions conveyed in this lesson, they shouldn’t have to worry about being an offender. This anti-harassment course, which was designed to comply with state laws, is sure to capture your engagement while teaching you everything you need to know about workplace harassment. Special thanks to content consultant Deborah C. England, Esq., of San Francisco, CA, who kindly reviewed all harassment content with a critical and judicial eye.