Anti-Harassment Training: Classifying the Oblivious Manager

Anti-Harassment Training: Classifying the Oblivious Manager

Biz Library
Updated Feb 18, 2019
Welcome to Planet Work, brought to you by BizLibrary TV! This video lesson, ‘Classifying the Oblivious Manager,’ provides the audience with an insider’s perspective on why leaders may be unaware of harassment happening in their own organizations. By learning these causes, viewers will know how to facilitate open communication and awareness and prevent harassment from slipping through the cracks. Ultimately, viewers will have a better understanding of the environment they work in. This anti-harassment course, which was designed to comply with state laws, is sure to capture your engagement while teaching you everything you need to know about workplace harassment. Special thanks to content consultant Deborah C. England, Esq., of San Francisco, CA, who kindly reviewed all harassment content with a critical and judicial eye.