Xamarin iOS 7, Part 2 of 2: .NET and Visual Studio Plugins

Xamarin iOS 7, Part 2 of 2: .NET and Visual Studio Plugins

LearnNow Online
Updated Aug 23, 2018

Course description

With the new features from Xamarin, .NET developers have many things that they can work with. Xamarin has provided support for Visual Studio developers to write iPhone and iPad applications. Support for the asynchronous APIs in .NET 4.5, the .NET 4.5 HTTP client, improved gestures for an improved API to work with and other features as well.

Each LearnNowOnline training course is made up of Modules (typically an hour in length). Within each module there are Topics (typically 15-30 minutes each) and Subtopics (typically 2-5 minutes each). There is a Post Exam for each Module that must be passed with a score of 70% or higher to successfully and fully complete the course.


The course assumes knowledge of C# and .NET at an intermediate level. Some familiarity with OSX is helpful, but not required. A very basic understanding of XML is also required.

Meet the expert

Wallace McClure

Wallace McClure specializes in building applications that have large numbers of users and large amounts of data as well as user interface specific technologies such as AJAX, iPhone, and Android. He is a Microsoft MVP, ASPInsider, and a partner in Scalable Development, Inc. Wally has authored books on iPhone Programming with Mono/MonoTouch, Android Programming with Mono for Android, application architecture, ADO.NET and SQL Server, and finally AJAX.

Video Runtime

137 Minutes

Time to complete

246 Minutes

Course Outline

.NET 4.5 Features

Xamarin .Net 4.5 Features (27:23)

  • Introduction (00:11)
  • Recent Xamarin Updates (02:31)
  • iOS Specific Enhancements (01:19)
  • Tools updates (01:48)
  • Optimization (01:39)
  • Async Support (01:17)
  • Why Async? (02:35)
  • How to be Async? (01:04)
  • Problems (01:39)
  • async/await to the Rescue (02:35)
  • Exception Handling (01:14)
  • Good Candidates (09:12)
  • Summary (00:13)

HTTP Client (19:43)

  • Introduction (00:20)
  • HttpClient (01:26)
  • HTTP Verbs (02:54)
  • Notes (00:45)
  • GET Operation (01:48)
  • Other Http Verbs (10:04)
  • Post (02:06)
  • Summary (00:15)

Xamarin Async Extensions (06:23)

  • Introduction (00:19)
  • iOS async/await extensions (04:24)
  • F# Support (00:47)
  • Resources (00:38)
  • Summary (00:13)
Visual Studio Plugins

Xamarin OS Visual Studio (34:19)

  • Introduction (00:21)
  • Overview (01:37)
  • Introduction (01:43)
  • Visual Studio Features for iOS (01:17)
  • Host Settings (01:20)
  • Xamarin.iOS Build Server (01:02)
  • Visual Studio Toolbar (01:02)
  • Additional Toolbar Options (01:25)
  • Output Windows (00:41)
  • Project Properties (01:53)
  • New iOS Project (01:02)
  • File -> New (00:27)
  • Updates (01:20)
  • User Interface (01:13)
  • How? (01:07)
  • Screen Rotation (13:04)
  • Results (00:27)
  • Remember (02:07)
  • Resources (00:47)
  • Summary (00:17)

Improvements and Gestures (17:07)

  • Introduction (00:10)
  • Recent Xamarin Improvements (01:17)
  • Gesture Recognizers (01:30)
  • Previous Setup (01:31)
  • Pattern (01:32)
  • Gesture (00:26)
  • Types (00:26)
  • States (01:51)
  • Multiple Gestures (08:06)
  • Summary (00:14)

iOS Notifications (10:33)

  • Introduction (00:08)
  • Notifications (00:35)
  • Local Notifications (00:52)
  • How To? (00:46)
  • Options (01:40)
  • Push Notifications (00:47)
  • Requirements (01:05)
  • Demo: Local Notifications (04:26)
  • Summary (00:10)

Xamarin Razor (13:29)

  • Introduction (00:13)
  • Razor Integration (03:02)
  • Demo: Xamarin App (05:44)
  • Demo: Razor Integration (04:16)
  • Summary (00:13)

Xamarin Other (08:09)

  • Introduction (00:12)
  • Audio Support (00:57)
  • Updated Garbage Collector (00:59)
  • NSObject.Description (00:39)
  • Threading (01:15)
  • CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls (00:44)
  • Strong Type Constructors (00:47)
  • Screen Capture (00:40)
  • NSAttributedString (00:45)
  • CFNetwork HTTPClient (00:51)
  • Summary (00:16)