Worry & False Thinking (CPD certified)

Worry & False Thinking (CPD certified)

Tom Moore
Updated Oct 11, 2020

It’s not uncommon to worry that bad things might happen. We all have those negative thoughts. But, for som people, those thoughts can spiral out of control. ‘My boss didn’t reply straightaway, so they must be mad at me They’re going to fire me! I’ll lose my job, my house and car, and my family will hate me...’

This sort of intrusive false thinking can make it hard to see clearly and can lead to stress and anxiety. The world, an your role in it, feels hostile and hopeless. But it’s not your fault, and you aren’t alone. There are strategies to help yo recognise and deal with worry and false thought. This course is here to help.

What does this course cover?

  • Identify the implications of false thinking
  • Recognise typical signs of false thinking
  • Demonstrate strategies for coping with false thinking

Why should I take this course?

It’s important to understand how negative patterns of thought can disrupt your well-being especially if you, or people you know, suffer from depression, anxiety or OCD. This course will teach
you how to recognise different types of false thinking and start finding strategies that will help.