Workplace Bullying and Harassment - Compliance Basics 1 (Australia)

Workplace Bullying and Harassment - Compliance Basics 1 (Australia)

This short course aims to help users recognise and respond to unlawful Workplace Bullying and Sexual Harassment.

The Ethicos Group
Updated Oct 16, 2019


If you are not sure about how to recognise and respond to Workplace Bullying or Sexual Harassment  - which are unlawful in all states and territories in Australia -  this short course will help. 

Relevant knowledge is the key to good outcomes - as usual.

Compliance with the law has many potential benefits for individuals and organisations, from avoiding liability for prosecution to benefitting from a safe and productive workplace.

In this course we use authentic examples and cases that reflect actual workplace experience: as the saying goes: 'A picture is worth a thousand words - and is easier to remember'.

The 'Ethicos Guidance' material provided as part of this short course simplifies the law and policy to help with compliance.  The key ideas and principles are set out in the mini case-studies and explained in non-technical language.

The course also provides optional links to external sources of advice and assistance, to enable users to get expert help directly if needed.

In summary - we aim to help individuals to stay out of trouble, and employers to stay out of Court.

Course Content

This course is one of a suite of six related courses.

Each course consists of one Module, which  will take about 15 minutes to complete: the various 'Incidents' contained in each Module  focus on different aspects of Workplace Bullying and Sexual Harassment, and a range of workplaces.

Each of the courses in the suite also provides optional links to further examples of unacceptable behaviour and ‘Reasonable Management Action’,  as well as legal definitions, commentaries, and further information.

There are also links to additional resources for use in Training, Policy Development, and Integrity Assurance on the Ethicos website:

Learning Outcomes

When people complete all six of the short courses in this suite, they will be prepared to:

  • recognise a wide range of workplace bullying and harassment conduct
  • know where to find supporting resources for good decision-making
  • respond appropriately to situations where there is evidence of bullying and harassment
  • support people who are targets or victims of bullying or harassment.

Benefits for Business

All Australian employers are required by law to provide a safe workplace, free from violence or threat of violence. Significant penalties for non-compliance potentially await those employers who fail to do so.

Employers will benefit directly where learners complete the course and are able to contribute to better workplace practices, such as -

  • reduced risk of bullying and harassment incidents
  • reduced risk of failure to comply with legal obligations
  • reduced failure to address misconduct effectively
  • reduced investigations of workplace incidents
  • reduced risk of Vicarious Liability penalties
  • reduced risk of Whistleblower retaliation
  • reduced turnover of staff and lost productivity and
  • improved reputation as a 'good employer'



Note: The course is not intended to be relied upon as a substitute for legal advice or other specialist help relevant to a user's specific circumstances.

The information in the course is of a general nature and is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or organisation.

Contacting the authors of this Course

If you have found this course helpful, or you would like to know more, please contact The Ethicos Group  by email at