Working in children's services: Being a professional

Working in children's services: Being a professional

In this course, you will learn some of the essential skills to become a successful early childhood educator. You will learn about the Code of Conduct, and why it is important to follow your workplace's Code.

Child Care College
Updated May 31, 2019

Course Overview

This course is designed to provide an overview of some of the essential skills you will need to become a successful early childhood educator. It explains what a Code of Conduct is, and why it is so important to follow your workplace's Code.

Target Audience

New and trainee educators, as well as students who would like to become early childhood educators and would like a better understanding of what the role entails.

Learning Objectives

  • What a code of conduct is
  • How to communicate effectively with families
  • Why certain information must be kept confidential
  • The importance of being punctual
  • Why you need to dress appropriately for work

Business Outcomes

There are many skills that a professional Educator should have, including being punctual and dressing appropriately, which are not explicitly taught in early childhood qualifications. By completing this course, students will be aware of some of the skills that are needed to be a professional educator that they may not have previously thought of.