VBA Intermediate

VBA Intermediate

This course is designed for advanced Excel users who already use VBA to automate frequently performed tasks in Excel and would like to learn more advanced features and options for utilising VBA.

Simon Sez IT
Updated May 21, 2019

Course Overview

You’ve completed the beginner course in VBA – or you’ve used VBA in your personal life or at work. Now challenge yourself with the next logical step. Intermediate VBA is the learner friendly course that steps you through powerful, more advanced features and possibilities of making VBA do what you need it to.

Target Audience

Advanced Excel users looking to automate and supercharge Excel

Learning Objectives

In this course you will:

  • Learn advanced methods for automating tedious Excel jobs.
  • How to write and implement Excel events.
  • Discover how to modify a variety of standard behaviors, such as double clicking, opening files and saving files.
  • Learn how to design and implement specialized classes of objects.
  • Discover how to customize the right click menu within cell ranges.
  • Learn external libraries, and how you can extend VBA’s capabilities beyond standard Excel options.
  • How to modify the Excel user interface, including the “Ribbon” and context menus to interact with your VBA code.