Using Lean to Reduce Waste and Streamline Value Flow

Using Lean to Reduce Waste and Streamline Value Flow

One of the most effective ways to increase the profitability of any organization is to eliminate waste. In this course, you'll define what waste is, discover where it exists, and what causes it. You'll also discover practical and simple Lean tools and strategies for dealing with each type of waste to improve overall company performance and quality.

Updated Mar 11, 2018

Companies are always looking for new ways to improve business efficiency and increase quality. To run a business at optimal capacity, you need to reduce or eliminate waste from processes and improve production flow. In this course, you'll learn about Lean strategies to reduce waste by determining which operations add value and which don't. You'll explore the concept of continuous flow, and discover how to balance work processes to make production flow more efficient. You’ll define what waste is, where it exists, and what causes it. You’ll also examine aspects of muda, continuous flow, line balancing, and value and non-value-add, and practical Lean techniques for improving Operations Management.