Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) for Managers

Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) for Managers

Updated Apr 29, 2020

The United Services Employment and Reemployment Act, also called "USERRA," was passed in 1994. It's important legislation that protects military service members, helping ensure that their career won't be adversely impacted by their service to our country.

Transitioning from a civilian job to active duty and back can be stressful for members of the armed services. USERRA was passed to help minimize these worries as well as the possible disadvantages service members could face when they are returning from service. As an employer, it's essential that you understand how USERRA works in terms of benefits. You could be at risk for a USERRA-related lawsuit if you reject or dissuade an employee from submitting a request. In this program, we'll discuss what is required of you, an employer, when working with service members. We'll go over service member's rights. We'll talk about how to restore service members to their jobs, the "escalator principle," training, job benefits, and who is covered by USERRA.