新しい役割に期待されることを理解する - Understand the Expectations of a New Role

新しい役割に期待されることを理解する - Understand the Expectations of a New Role

Succeed in a new role by talking to your boss and setting clear expectations around your changing responsibilities

Vado Inc.
Updated Jan 29, 2021
新しい役割に就いた際に重要なことの一つは、何をする必要があるかを理解することです。成功のためには、やるべきことや達成すべきことなど、自分に何が期待されているかを知ることが不可欠です。もちろん、これらの変化する期待を理解する際に最も頼りになる人は、新しい上司です。上司との間でこれら詳細を話し合うように努めることは、最優先事項です。これからケビン・アイケンベリー(Kevin Eikenberry)とガイ・ハリス(Guy Harris)がご説明していきますが、こうした上司との会話が職務上の基礎を成し、長期的な成功を確かにします。このコースは、新しい上司から期待されることと成功するために必要なことを話し合う際に、参考になるでしょう。期待されることを双方向のコミュニケーションの中で明確にすることにより、必要とされる措置、行動、結果、さらに協力の仕方など、仕事のあらゆる側面が明確になります。本コースを受講することで、新しい役割において上司との間で期待事項を明確にすることができます。本コースはPMI(プロジェクトマネジメント協会)の1時間のPDU単位として認められています。本コースを修了すると、プロジェクトマネジメント協会(PMI)の1時間分のPDU単位を取得することができます。雑誌「ELearning!」の優秀賞を受賞したマネジメント能力開発学習トラックです。

When you’re in a new role, one of the more important things to understand is what you need to do. To be successful, it is essential you know what is expected of you, including what you must do and achieve. Of course, the best person to help you understand these changing expectations is your new boss. Making the effort to have a detailed conversation with your boss should be a top priority. As Kevin Eikenberry and Guy Harris will explain, this conversation lays the foundation for your role, and will help ensure success long term. This course helps you discuss with your new boss the expectations he or she has of you, as well as what you need to be successful. Getting this clarity of expectations in both directions will bring clarity in all of the areas of your work, such as required actions, behaviors and results, as well as how you will work together.

Course Accreditation

This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute). An Elearning! Magazine Excellence Award Winner: Management Development Learning Track.

When you’re in a new role, one of the more important things to understand is what you need to do. To be successful, it is essential you know what is expected of you, including what you must do and achieve. Of course, the best person to help you understand these changing expectations is your new boss. Making the effort to have a detailed conversation with your boss should be a top priority. As Kevin Eikenberry and Guy Harris will explain, this conversation lays the foundation for your role, and will help ensure success long term. This course helps you discuss with your new boss the expectations he or she has of you, as well as what you need to be successful. Getting this clarity of expectations in both directions will bring clarity in all of the areas of your work, such as required actions, behaviors and results, as well as how you will work together.

Course Accreditation

This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute). An Elearning! Magazine Excellence Award Winner: Management Development Learning Track.