Unconscious Bias (CPD certified)

Unconscious Bias (CPD certified)

iAM Learning
Updated May 07, 2020

Thanks to a combination of your culture, upbringing & environment, we all have unconscious biases- our brain makes
decisions for us, without us even realising. That might be hiring someone of your gender, giving a project to a friend rather than someone who is better suited to it or something else. It’s not your fault. We tend to favour others that share our values or are similar to us. But we do need to learn how to keep it in check, so that’s what this course will help us with.

Target Audience

General Audience / All Levels

Business Outcomes

How would you feel if you were passed up for promotion because you were too tall? Or you didn’t get the job because you’re living in an area that is perceived as undesirable? It’s simply not right. Without knowing it consciously, you could be doing that to someone else. Take this course and in a few minutes, you’ll have a better understanding about how to make the world and your organization a fairer place.