Transformer Basics

Transformer Basics

Updated Jan 21, 2021

 At the end of this lesson, you will be able to explain magnetism and electromagnetism and explain the basic principles of electrical voltage transformation.

• Explain the force of magnetism

• Describe the molecular domains of ferromagnetic metals

• Describe the reaction between like and unlike magnetic fields

• Describe magnetic flux

• Define electromagnetism

• Explain the changes of field strength in an electromagnetic coil

• Define permeability

• Explain the left hand rule for coils

• Describe the magnetic measurements of Weber, magnetic flux density, Tesla,magnetomotive force, field intensity, and reluctance

• Describe the line voltage and the load connections to the transformer

• Describe the property of inductance

• Describe electromagnetic induction

• Describe mutual induction

• Describe Lenz’s law and self-induction

• Describe the turns ratio between the primary and secondary windings

• Define volts per turn

• Explain the use of coil taps in a transformer

• Explain transformer losses from copper loss

• Describe transformer losses from eddy currents

• Describe hysteresis losses • Define flux loss

• Describe mutual inductance or the coefficient of coupling