Three Useful Things Session Two

Three Useful Things Session Two

SEND Group
Updated Feb 08, 2021

A series of three hour long webinars aimed at all teachers/teaching assistants. Each session focuses upon a different intervention strategy. Each intervention is low cost, easy to implement and has a strong impact upon learning. Resources will be signposted.

Session one: Developing and Implementing a Sensory Diet We will explore: The seven senses. Sensory seeking and avoidance. Unpicking sensory behaviours as a form of communication. How to develop and implement a sensory diet – ideas, resources
and impact.

Session Two: Supporting Oral and Written Sentence Construction We will explore: What is Colourful Semantics? How can you use it effectively to support sentence construction and writing? How to implement and evaluate the impact of a Colourful Semantics programme.

Session Three: Precision Teaching. We will explore: How to support your students to develop fluency of recall with a target skill. How to develop and deliver an effective precision teaching programme. Maximum impact teaching ideas. Monitoring impact.

Presented by Becci Hawes