The Power of Checklists in Crisis Management - Insights and Strategies Series

The Power of Checklists in Crisis Management - Insights and Strategies Series

Seven Dimensions
Updated Mar 07, 2019

Crises can send a business into disaster in a short time. This program helps business leaders plan and rehearse strategies for possible crisis scenarios. By considering the advice from this program, executives can proactively prepare their organizations to manage potential disasters.

RCA Crisis Management Expert Ross Campbell explains the importance of and what is required of effective checklists for before, during and after a crisis.

Effective checklists for before, during and after are critical says crisis management expert, Ross Campbell.

Key Learning Points
•    Prepare checklists before a crisis
•    Take advice on response message strategy
•    Checklists require detail and strategy
•    Accountability and recovery
•    How to construct a checklist

Target Audience
Executives, Managers and Trainers

This program is one of the Insights and Strategies Series, featuring psychologist Eve Ash interviewing a range of experts and business leaders who share their experiences and practical strategies for achieving best practice.