The Basics of Manual Handling (Refresher) (CPD certified)

The Basics of Manual Handling (Refresher) (CPD certified)

iAM Learning
Updated Nov 26, 2019

Course Overview

This is a refresher version of the full 'Basics of Manual Handling' course. A great way to remind yourself of the key learning without having to go through the whole course. Because we're nice like that!
Manual handling is one of the most common causes of injury at work, accounting for over a third of all workplace injuries… heavy stuff. This course covers lifting hazards, injuries, good working practices, regulations and more.

Target Audience

General Audience / All Levels

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand what manual handling is & identify where to use it
  • Understand why you should lift responsibly
  • Appreciate how injuries can happen as a result of incorrect handling and moving
  • Identify the hazards and risks associated with manual handling
  • Demonstrate the principles of safe handling and moving
  • Understand good working practices

Business Outcomes

Manual handling is one of the most common causes of injury at work, accounting for over a third of all workplace injuries. You have a duty of care to protect yourself and your employees from lifting hazards and must be able to demonstrate that you have the appropriate level of knowledge to stay safe when lifting.