Talking to Your Customers

Talking to Your Customers

The Skills Shack
Updated Oct 22, 2019


No matter how new your business is or how long you have been operating your business, it is good to remind yourself, and your staff that your business exists for your customers. Your customers can provide valuable insights about your business idea and your operations.

Insights from customers could include:

  • How they use your products and services.
  • Why they purchased from you and not your competitors.
  • How they view your competitors.
  • How they view and compare your staff with your competitors.
  • What they say about your business to other consumers.
  • How your business could further support them.

Consistently communicating with your customers and if possible non-customers makes good sense along with being a good management and marketing strategy.

Business exists for customers, and it is, therefore, both essential and sensible that as a business owner or manager you create and use opportunities to talk with your customers and use their feedback to grow and improve your business.

Target Audience

Any business that has customers

Learning Objectives

In this resource, we will look at ways to talk to your customers to:

  • Gain their feedback about your business idea and your business
  • Access tips about emerging trends and buyer preferences Inform your customers about your new business, product changes and
  • Manage complaints

Business Outcomes

Our aim with this resource is to introduce the importance of engaging with your customers regularly to ensure you can develop an understanding of who they are and why they are your customers. Once you have this understanding you can ensure that your business strategy is aligned to the needs of your customers.