Tackling Smoking for Aboriginal health

Tackling Smoking for Aboriginal health

Health Staff Ed
Updated Sep 04, 2020

Course Overview:

Smoking is a major challenge for many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities. It is responsible for approximately one in five deaths in the population group and more than 50% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children live with a daily smoker. Support for quitting smoking needs to be comprehensive and include multiple culturally appropriate interventions, targeted to the individual smoker.

This course offers useful tips for nurses and midwives to help support and motivate others to quit smoking. It offers information about a range of quit smoking interventions such as brief interventions, social media and marketing, group support, medications and quit lines.

Target Audience:

Nurses and midwives

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

1. Understand what a brief smoking intervention is, and how it can be used in practice

2. Be able to list common motivators for people to quit smoking

3. Be familiar with the medications available to help quit smoking

4. Know about social media and marketing campaigns aimed at promoting quitting smoking in Indigenous populations

5. Understand the benefits of quit support groups, and characteristics that make them more successful in Indigenous communities

6. Identify common barriers to quitting, and possible ways to overcome them

7. Be aware of availability of Aboriginal quit lines and know how to access them in practice

This course contributes to the provision of culturally safe care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. It nurses and midwives seeking to provide safe and appropriate care.