支持的なコミュニケーションスタイル - Supportive Communication Style

支持的なコミュニケーションスタイル - Supportive Communication Style

Drive better results by learning how to identify and adapt to your employees with a supportive communication style

Vado Inc.
Updated Jan 29, 2021
人により状況に対する考え方は異なり、そのアプローチもさまざまです。外交的でエネルギッシュな人もいれば、静観的で控えめな人もいます。どちらが優れているというわけではなく、両方のタイプがチームの戦力となります。とはいえ、指導者的な役割を担う者は、直属の部下の行動やコミュニケーションのスタイルを把握する必要があります。これを理解することで、各個人との関係を構築し、それぞれに刺激を与えてやる気を起こさせるために、可能な限り最善のアプローチをより適切に適用することができます。本コースでは、チームの中で支持的なコミュニケーションスタイルを持っている部下を判断する方法についてご説明します。この情報を得ることで、各従業員が優れた成果を挙げて組織で成功するために何が必要かをより良く理解することができます。本コースを受講することで、他の人々を気遣い、熟考してから行動できる従業員と適切にコミュニケーションを図り、関係を構築する方法を理解することができます。本コースを修了すると、プロジェクトマネジメント協会(PMI)の1時間分のPDU単位を取得することができます。雑誌「ELearning!」の 優秀賞を受賞した 「管理能力開発の学習トラック」です。

People think about and approach situations in a variety of different ways. Some are outgoing and energetic, while others are more contemplative and reserved. One is not better than the other, and both styles are beneficial to have on your team. With that said, as a leader, your challenge is to understand the various behavioral and communication styles of each of your direct reports so you can better adapt your approach in order to connect with, inspire, and motivate each person in the best way possible. This course will help you determine who on your team has the Supportive Style of communication. This information will help you better understand what each employee needs to be successful at work, and what’s required to deliver great results.

Course Accreditation

This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute). An Elearning! Magazine Excellence Award Winner: Management Development Learning Track.

People think about and approach situations in a variety of different ways. Some are outgoing and energetic, while others are more contemplative and reserved. One is not better than the other, and both styles are beneficial to have on your team. With that said, as a leader, your challenge is to understand the various behavioral and communication styles of each of your direct reports so you can better adapt your approach in order to connect with, inspire, and motivate each person in the best way possible. This course will help you determine who on your team has the Supportive Style of communication. This information will help you better understand what each employee needs to be successful at work, and what’s required to deliver great results.

Course Accreditation

This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute). An Elearning! Magazine Excellence Award Winner: Management Development Learning Track.