Supporting Employee Mental Health; A Program For Managers

Supporting Employee Mental Health; A Program For Managers

Workright Investigations
Updated Sep 09, 2019

Course Overview

This insightful and practical management training course provides a necessary foundation for understanding how to manage and support mental health in the workplace. Participants will learn practical skills and scripts, receive a downloadable document to assist in preparing a Return to Work Plan after a mental health related leave, as well as learn the 10 Pillars necessary for building a solid business case for supporting mental health at work. You will:

  • Understand the impact and consequences of Mental Health issues on employees, colleagues and the organization
  • Learn manager boundaries in addressing mental health issues at work
  • Identify the 3 crucial roles managers can take in creating a mentally healthy and psychologically safe workplace
  • Understand how to manage performance as a means of supporting mental health
  • Learn how to "start the conversation” with an employee and a script for compassionately supporting them
  • Identify what to do and not do when creating a Return to Work (RTW) and Accommodation Plan
  • Download a RTW and Accommodation template
  • Learn how to manage workplace Culture as a means of supporting mental health of employees
  • Understand the 10 Pillars managers can utilize in building a solid business case for senior leaders

Presenter:  Donna Marshall, M.A., Counselling Psychology