Sue Neill-Fraser, Convicted of Murder, Tasmania, Australia 2010

Sue Neill-Fraser, Convicted of Murder, Tasmania, Australia 2010

Seven Dimensions
Updated Nov 13, 2019

Eve Ash and Dr Elizabeth Loftus discuss the case of Tasmanian Sue Neill-Fraser, convicted and jailed for murder in 2010. 

Course Overview 

Eve Ash describes the 2010 conviction and jailing of Tasmania Sue Neill-Fraser for the murder of her partner Bob Chappell. His body was never found. The case was complicated by Sue’s lies and confused testimony to police. A witness “saw” Sue previously arguing with Bob; it turned out to be Bob’s sister. Sue made false confessions of where she’d been, on the basis of being traumatized and confused. She also didn’t remember a jacket later picked up and identified as hers. Eve sums up the case as “people think that if she lied, then she probably killed the guy”. The lies gained pre-eminence over DNA evidence later found on Sue’s yacht. 

Key Learning Points 

Sue Neill-Fraser’s jailing came on the basis that: 

• There was no body 

• She told lies of her whereabouts to police 

• She was traumatized, anxious and forgot what she’d been doing 

• A witness misidentified her 

Interviewer: Eve Ash 

Interviewee: Elizabeth Loftus