Standardisation – Improvement or Restriction? Webinar

Standardisation – Improvement or Restriction? Webinar

Updated Mar 01, 2021

Henry Ford said, “To standardise a method is to choose out of many methods the best one… the sum of all the good ways we have discovered up to the present.”

Yet some people say that process standardisation is restrictive and can eliminate the opportunity to be creative, or reduce the flexibility they and their customers require. So which is it?

Join Marie-Clare Pedersen as she talks about how to reap the benefits of standardisation, achieving flexible, agile, high quality, robust processes without restricting innovation or improvement, including:

  • What standardisation is, and just as importantly, what it isn’t
  • Creating better results from standardised processes
  • How to engage people in the ambition
  • The vital role of standardisation as a platform for improvement