SSRS 2012 (Part 4 of 10): Expressions and Functions

SSRS 2012 (Part 4 of 10): Expressions and Functions

Biz Library
Updated Feb 04, 2020

In this course, you’ll learn the essentials of expressions, how to write and use them within reports. Then you’ll learn about the extensive set of built-in Reporting Services functions that you can use in your own expressions. In many cases, Microsoft has done the work of writing functions for common features, so why reinvent the wheel? Then we’ll wrap up the course by looking at how you can create your own custom functions, both one-offs for use in a single report as well as shared functions usable in multiple reports. This is a great way to extend Reporting Services so reports provide exactly the information your users need.

Lesson 1:

  • Writing and Using Expressions
  • Using the Expression Editor
  • Demo: Expressions
  • Demo: Expression Editor
  • Demo: Building an Expression.

Lesson 2:

  • Expression Operators
  • Demo: Operators
  • Built-in Functions
  • Demo: Immediate If
  • Demo: Switch Function
  • Demo: Choose Function
  • Using Other Built-In Functions
  • Null Handling.

Lesson 3:

  • The Global Collections
  • The Fields Collection
  • Global Collection
  • User Collection
  • ReportItemsCollection
  • Variables Collection
  • Demo: Global Fields
  • Demo: Times.

Lesson 4:

  • Creating Custom Functions
  • Demo: Custom Functions.

Lesson 5:

  • Sharing Custom Code
  • Creating a Custom Assembly
  • Demo: Custom Assemblies
  • Demo: Report
  • Demo: References.