SQL 2014 Developer, Part 2 of 13: Stored Procedures

SQL 2014 Developer, Part 2 of 13: Stored Procedures

Biz Library
Updated Feb 04, 2020

In this course we’ll start by looking at stored procedure features and the benefits of using them. Then you’ll learn about the syntax of the CREATE PROCEDURE statement, and some of the options for using stored procedures, including input and output parameters, return values, and results sets. You’ll also learn how to debug these code modules, as well as shape the results when executing a stored procedure. Then you’ll learn about a special kind of stored procedure, a trigger. A trigger runs automatically in response to changes to your data, letting you enforce complex business rules and perform other actions. You’ll learn about the different kinds of triggers as well as some risks in their use, and then we’ll get into the details of creating and using triggers effectively.

Lesson 1:

  • Stored Procedure Features
  • Performance Benefits
  • Deferred Name Resolution
  • Execution Plans
  • Plan Recompilation
  • Using Schema Qualifiers
  • Why Use Stored Procedures.

Lesson 2:

  • Stored Procedure Syntax
  • Create Using Management Studio
  • Demo: Ways to Create
  • Demo: Creating a Procedure
  • Demo: Explaining SET NOCOUNT
  • Demo: Working With Parameters
  • Demo: Optional Parameters.

Lesson 3:

  • Demo: Output Parameters
  • Demo: Return Statement
  • Demo: Returning as Result Set
  • Demo: Using Variables
  • Demo: Syntax Errors.

Lesson 4:

  • Demo: Stepping into Code
  • Demo: Debugging Windows
  • Demo: Debug and Print Statement
  • Demo: Variables with Procedures
  • Demo: Test with Valid Inputs
  • Demo: Test with Invalid Inputs.

Lesson 5:

  • Demo: Execute WITH RESULT SETS
  • Demo: Shaping Results.

Lesson 6:

  • Creating Triggers
  • Types of Triggers
  • Uses for Triggers
  • The Trouble with Triggers
  • How Triggers Work
  • Demo: Creating Triggers
  • Creating an INSTEAD OF Trigger
  • Demo: Creating the View
  • Demo: INSTEAD OF Trigger
  • DDL Triggers
  • Demo: DDL Triggers.