Slips, Trips, and Falls

Slips, Trips, and Falls

Build in-depth knowledge about the best practices to identify, manage and prevent slip, trip and fall hazards

Vivid Learning
Updated Aug 16, 2018

Recent statistics from the Congressional Accountability Office of Compliance indicate that employee falls are private industry’s third leading cause of workplace fatalities. Around 600 workers die from a fatal slip, trip, or fall, each year.

Believe it or not, most falls occur on flat surfaces like plant floors. Common causes are slippery areas, improperly stored items, foreign objects, and floor surface issues.

Reporting hazards you see in and around the workplace and following good housekeeping practices are the best defense against a serious fall for you or one of your co-workers. What is the ‘good housekeeping’ principle? It means that when a worker encounters a spill, or finds debris in a walkway, they first recognize the impact this material might have for colleagues negotiating the path, and then act immediately to clear the hazard. In general, good housekeeping means keeping all places of employment clean, orderly, and sanitary, including storerooms, service rooms, passageways, and bathrooms. 

This course is designed to enable employees to identify hazardous conditions and unsafe practices that can lead to slips, trips, and falls in the workplace, good housekeeping practices, appropriate corrective actions for eliminating hazardous walking and working surface conditions, appropriate behavior for the workplace, and personal protective equipment (PPE) that can help prevent slips, trips, and falls.