Sketch's Layer List: Sketch Interface

Sketch's Layer List: Sketch Interface

Biz Library
Updated Sep 04, 2018
Let's dive into Sketch's interface to get a high-level overview of where everything is. Right off the bat, you can tell that Sketch has a very intuitive UI that is similar to other popular digital design applications. On the right hand side, you will see the Inspector Panel. Here, you can set dynamic properties and layer styles; manipulate fills, borders, and shadows; control dynamic blur; and access a convenient exportable function. On the left side of the screen, you will see the Toolbar where you can easily add a vector path, draw in pencil, create a shape or text, insert an image, create an artboard, slice your design, or add styled text. Below this you have your Layer List, where you can manipulate the ordering of your layers as well as your artboards and page structure. Finally, in the top menu, you will see some useful tools such as grouping, magnification, transform, masking, pathfinding, file transfer buttons, and an additional export feature. This is the Toolbar, which will populate with different tool sets based on the task you are doing. Getting to know your interface is important to quickly navigating Sketch.