Simple Himmeli Mobiles

Simple Himmeli Mobiles

Creative Live
Updated Mar 15, 2019
Himmeli mobiles are fashionable, versatile, and surprisingly easy to make! Learn how to assemble these on-trend accent pieces in Simple Himmeli Mobiles with Robert Mahar.

Robert Mahar is an arts and crafts professional who breaks imaginative do-it-yourself projects into easy-to-follow steps. In this class you’ll learn how to: 

  • Build the basic cube form
  • Fashion variations on the cube form
  • Construct the hanging structure
  • Assemble the mobile elements
  • Create ornamental embellishments 

Robert will share this history behind the himmeli mobile and offer tips on the variety of materials you can use to assemble one. 

Learn how to make a traditional mobiles that can be styled into elegant focal points in Simple Himmeli Mobiles with Robert Mahar.