SharePoint 2013 - Complete Guide Intermediate

SharePoint 2013 - Complete Guide Intermediate

Learn how to manage a SharePoint site.

Intellezy Learning
Updated Apr 09, 2019

This course is an introduction to the concepts needed by new users, site owners, and power users. Students will learn to manage a SharePoint site including: creating and working with lists, libraries, and site pages; using views and workflows; working with web parts on a page; granting users permission to use a site; and overriding inherited permissions for lists or libraries.


The recommended prerequisite for this course is This class is intended for individuals who have been given OWNER permissions to a SharePoint site or sub-site and IT support staff who are assisting information workers using SharePoint. To be successful with this course, students need basic computer skills such as using a browser to connect to a web page, opening and saving Office documents, and a basic understanding of user accounts and groups.


This IAAP-certified course counts for 3.25 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area. Email with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate.