Setting and Managing Priorities (Part 1 of 6): Strategic Priorities and the Baldrige Framework

Setting and Managing Priorities (Part 1 of 6): Strategic Priorities and the Baldrige Framework

Biz Library
Updated Feb 12, 2019
Welcome to the "Setting and Managing Priorities" series of video lessons meant to teach you how to prioritize amid the constant barrage of responsibilities of daily life. This video lesson, "Strategic Priorities and the Baldrige Framework," is the first in a series of six. From the lesson, the viewer will learn the major focuses of the Baldrige Excellence Framework, including the core values and how to consider the big picture when making decisions. The viewer will also learn all the different elements that must be considered when prioritizing tasks. The whole process of setting priorities is important, not only for executives, but also for you as an individual, your team, and your department. With this framework in mind, the learner will be ready to dive into the specifics of identifying organizational priorities.