Reverse Mentoring

Reverse Mentoring

A powerful method to deepen understanding, enhance learning and develop a growth mindset in staff.

Martina Tombolini
Updated May 10, 2021

Have you considered how the diversity among staff in your organisation can be a source of rich learning, professional development and market opportunities? How people of different backgrounds, genders, ethnicities, levels of seniority and skill sets can advance their professional and personal development by learning from each other in Reverse Mentoring opportunities? And how to implement and facilitate skills exchanges between individuals of different backgrounds and different skill sets?

In this pill we look at what Reverse Mentoring is, and explore the benefits of reverse or reciprocal mentoring schemes between staff of contrasting ages, experiences, backgrounds and skills specialism (for example technical versus creative roles) and identify some good practices for harnessing the learning and development opportunities of Reverse Mentoring both for the individual and the organisation.