Returning to Work During the Coronavirus Pandemic...for Managers and Supervisors - Spanish language

Returning to Work During the Coronavirus Pandemic...for Managers and Supervisors - Spanish language

Marcom Group
Updated Feb 26, 2021

Regresar al Trabajo Durante la Pandemia de Coronavirus... para Gerentes y Supervisores

Este curso presenta información fundamental para gerentes y supervisores sobre el regreso al trabajo durante la Pandemia de Coronavirus. Al terminar el curso, deben:

- Cómo crear un plan de “Regreso al Trabajo” para su sede.

- Poder realizar un “Análisis de Riesgo Laboral”.

- Entender lo que implica preparar una sede para que la gente pueda regresar de manera segura a trabajar durante el Coronavirus.

- Saber lo que pueden hacer a fin de preparar a los empleados para regresar al trabajo de manera segura durante el Coronavirus.

MARCOM's interactive course on Returning to Work During the Coronavirus Pandemic...for Managers and Supervisors discusses the challenges of returning to work and what managers and supervisors can do to address them. From organizing practical work schedules to implementing COVID-safe policies and practices, returning to the workplace during the coronavirus pandemic creates many new challenges for a company’s managers and supervisors. Areas covered in the course include creating a plan, conducting a “job risk analysis”, setting up the workplace, preparing your people and more. Using a powerful combination of audio, full-motion video, text and colorful graphics, this course provides the most cost-effective safety and regulatory compliance training available today. The course is divided into a number of logical sections so information is easily understood... and retained.