RESTful API Design with Node, Express, and MongoDB

RESTful API Design with Node, Express, and MongoDB

Packt Admin
Updated Jan 17, 2020

The convergence of social networking, cloud computing, and the era of mobile applications has created a new generation of emerging technologies that allow different networked devices to communicate with each other over the Internet via REST.  

REST provides the benefits of being stateless; easing scalability, visibility, and reliability; and being platform- and language-agnostic. This course is a practical, hands-on guide that provides you with clear and pragmatic information so you can take advantage of the real power of RESTful services; it gives you a good foundation from which to use them in your applications.  

In this video, you will master various design principles for building RESTful services. You will understand advanced topics related to OAuth and security with respect to RESTful services. This video also takes you through caching techniques, validation, rate-limiting, asynchronous operations, and other best practices to improve application responsiveness. It delves into best practices for performing pagination, documentation, and testing RESTful services.  

By the end of the video, you will be able to successfully use the concepts you've learned about to design and implement applications based on RESTful services.  

Target Audience 

This video is aimed at novice developers who want to gain insights into building RESTful services, as well as for advanced developers who want to delve into more complex topics. The video assumes prior programming knowledge.  

Business Outcomes 

  • Build efficient and secure RESTful web APIs 
  • Efficiently use outlined techniques to build reliable and highly available REST-based applications 
  • Apply best practices to your solution architectures