Recognizing Your Boss for Personal Achievements

Recognizing Your Boss for Personal Achievements

Build a better relationship with your boss by learning how to recognise their accomplishments at work

Vado Inc.
Updated Aug 28, 2017

We know how nice it is to receive recognition for a job well done. It feels good to know others notice our good work and appreciate the effort it took to accomplish something. At work, a significant amount of recognition typically comes from our manager. Part of the role of any manager is to coach, support and provide recognition to their employees, so it’s to be expected we would receive a fair amount of recognition from our boss. With that said, have you ever thought about returning the favor? If you have a manager who is doing a great job and really making the effort to be a good manager, wouldn’t it be nice to recognize your boss for his or her efforts and accomplishments too?

Course Accreditation

This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute).