Rapport Building in Customer Service

Rapport Building in Customer Service

Good customer service and strong customer relationships begin with building rapport.In this course, you'll learn how to build rapport with customers by paying close attention to their needs, connecting with them, and being positive. You'll also learn how to empathize with customers by relating your own experiences, reflecting their emotions back to them, and normalizing their difficulties.

Updated Mar 11, 2018
Strong customer relationships are key to projecting service excellence. Building rapport is essential and requires knowing your customers, understanding their situations, and providing an empathetic ear for them to voice their concerns. In this course, you'll learn how to improve client service (CS) by building rapport with customers. It covers paying close attention to customer needs, connecting with the customer, and being positive. You'll also learn how to empathize with customers by relating your own experiences, reflecting their emotions back to them, and normalizing their difficulties.