Protecting Our Sight, Spanish

Protecting Our Sight, Spanish

ERI Safety
Updated Jun 06, 2019
Course Overview
Each and every day, our eyes provide the gateway that allows us to recognize and comprehend the world we work, live and play in. Because our vision is so crucial to almost all aspects of our daily lives, it's difficult to understand why we wouldn't protect our eyes in every instance they are at risk from hazards; yet, over 2,000 workers in North America suffer some type of eye injury requiring medical treatment every day.
This program discusses the protective devices and precautions we can utilize to prevent such injuries while stressing the importance of assessing the hazards of each job task and avoiding common pitfalls that often lead to these incidents. Topics include how the vision process works, types of eye injuries, employee responsibility to wear appropriate protection, use of safety glasses, safety goggles and face shields and eye protection required for welding and laser operations. Reducing lens fogging, cleaning and storage of protective devices, off-job safeguards and proper response to eye injuries are also reviewed in the program.

Target Audience
All workers in industrial and construction settings

19 minutes