Privacy and Data Protection Laws (HIPAA, FTC & GDPR)

Privacy and Data Protection Laws (HIPAA, FTC & GDPR)

Cutting Edge eLearning Solutions
Updated Aug 25, 2020

Our Data Privacy modules intend to provide employees with an understanding of personal data and information, the background and principles of privacy law and data protection, the consequences of not adhering to applicable laws and regulations, and employees’ responsibilities with respect to data protection. The Data Protection and Privacy Law  course is available in multiple versions adapted for various industries, regional laws and jurisdictions.

As individuals we regularly disclose personal information — for example, our names, photographs, telephone numbers, birth dates and addresses — while engaging in a wide range of everyday activities. Public and private entities collect and process this data for any number of legitimate purposes.

The consequences for failing to protect this data can be very serious. For example, identity theft is a huge problem for consumers and the firms that serve them. In the U.S. alone, seven percent of adults — about 15 million — are victimized each year, with total losses of more than $50 billion. U.S. firms spend another $50 billion a year on identity-theft-prevention measures. Firms must take steps to ensure that any personal information in their possession remains secure, and that their employees understand these safeguards and how to detect and prevent potential threats, as well as ensure data privacy.