Prevention of Radicalisation for Students Training

Prevention of Radicalisation for Students Training

Flick Learning
Updated Nov 05, 2019

Our Prevention of Radicalisation training course for students is an informative and flexible teaching tool, suitable for students and pupils of secondary school age and upwards. Designed  for use either as a stand-alone e-learning course  or as part of a blended learning solution to be delivered alongside classroom discussion.

Containing video footage, animation, discussion points, real-life accounts, interactivity and quizzes –  such as ‘So, how vulnerable to radicalisation are you’? or ‘What would life be like if you joined ISIS?’ The four parts of the course cover extremism, terrorism, radicalisation and prevention of radicalisation.

This course covers key points from:

  • The Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015
  • The Prevent Duty
  • The Prevent Strategy