Preventing Discrimination & Harassment for Construction: NY Managers

Preventing Discrimination & Harassment for Construction: NY Managers

Ali Weinstein
Updated Dec 16, 2020

This 60-minute course for New York construction managers explains the expected behaviors for building a workplace free of discrimination and harassment. The course covers current topics including sexual harassment, discrimination, bystander intervention, diversity and inclusion, and describes the responsibilities of managers to prevent inappropriate conduct, and to respond appropriately should it occur. It contains the material required by the Stop Sexual Harassment in NYC Act, contact information for the US EEOC, New York State Division of Human Rights and the NYC Commission On Human Rights and additional information required by both the city and state.

This course is worth 1 CE credit from SHRM (The Society for Human Resource Management). Upon completion, use your course certificate and the Activity ID 21-GG6NG to receive credit with SHRM.